Tuesday, November 3, 2015

To God We Pray

Colossians 3:17

"And whatever you do [no matter what it is] in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus and in [dependence upon] His Person, giving praise to God the Father through Him."

When you do anything, do it to The Lord... When you are asking Him for anything, ask it like you know He wants to Do It... Praying is a form of taking note on what you Know About Jesus, Bringing It Up to Him, then saying it with a Thankfulness that gives Him Respect as your Lord God Deserves. 

Once I was in a crunch, I believed I heard The Lord Saying He wanted me to do this and so, and what He wanted me to do, but I had a bad attitude towards the person He wanted this good thing done for....

I started talk praying, I was wanting to convince The Lord of what I didn't want to do...
He gets quite, and I could hear inside my spirit man like a rummaging around... At this time I was getting very convicted that I might of got what I was talk praying for... Now I am wanting to get Him back convinced I am repented, but I was just convicted of a bad attitude not really repented... This kind of things can go on for a while because Jesus Is Lord over Eternity... I believe He is more concern with my life being In Him, and that I want to Be with Him forever no matter what it is I am doing for Him....
