Friday, January 2, 2015

David Had Problems with People

PSALMS 55:1-23:

On another post about praying and asking God about what info you get from the discerning of the spirit of man, as well as The Holy Spirit revealing a truth too you, concerning the ways of some people that are active in your life.  Most of us really don't understand that The Word of God applies too all mankind. I know for me I would just pray in a manner that would give me an easy way out.

David is my teaching example today. Not because he is a very keen figure in the blood line of God through Christ Jesus, but also because he was a strong praying believer, and knew when he prayed God would hear and answer.

King David starts out very wounded. He gets the musician's too listen as well as play with him as he makes his complaint out in song form. He sings; "Attend too me, and hear me...."
Because of the voice of the enemy, because of oppression of the wicked, they, the wicked people casted iniquity on him. In their accusation, and in the fact they hated him, they plotted war against him. The pain of this attack of terrorism is too much for him, he, David is now in "hopeless mode," and needs wings like a dove too fly away.

 Thinking, I believe, is what gets us in fear and not focus. Fight or flight is what he now is telling The Lord he is in. Now out of no where he starts commanding The Lord too destroy their tongues because they are day and night talking the trash against him. David reminds The Lord it is his friend thats doing this.

Psalms 55:15; is the verse where now he is praying strongly for these people's lives too be cut short, let them go too hell quickly, since they want too live there so much on earth... Let them just get there and live there on "Wicked Ave."


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